Donations are Greatly Appreciated
The Gamma Pi Lambda Community Foundation is a local non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas. The purposes for which the Corporation is organized and to be operated are exclusively charitable, and/or educational within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and future corresponding revenue laws of the United States (the “Code”).
In accomplishment of such purpose, the Corporation will:
- Provide grants to students and support development projects within the community
- Improve the quality of life within the surrounding communities (both local and abroad)
- Seek philanthropic contributions primarily from inside the community (both local and abroad)
- Perform any other functions as may be necessary or appropriate to fulfill the purposes of the Corporation, provided that such functions comply with all applicable laws.
Your donation will serve as an exclusive use of charity or educational participants.
Please see the Gamma Pi Lambda Foundation Tax ID #32066212245 or EIN #82-4343596 information in appreciation for your donation.